The universal Mind contains all knowledge. It is the potential ultimate of all things. To it, all things are possible.” – Ernest Holmes

As a Law of Attraction practitioner, I believe that many people don’t really understand and believe in the Law of Attraction. How can you get something just by thinking about it and repeating affirmations?

The article below talks about some of the other aspects of the Law of Attraction and how you can use it to improve your life.

Michael Wilkovesky

Certified Law of Attraction coach


What a Law of Attraction Coach Thinks About The Most Influential Law in the Universe – by A. Thomas Perhacs

Many think that by just knowing the laws of attraction (LOA) one can already taste success. They believe that through reading or learning these laws wonderful things will just happen. While it is true that the Law of attraction attracts success, it is not enough to know only how LOA works. What should one do after learning the Law of attraction is to start practicing.

A lot of people pay too much attention over the things that we do not want such as being sad, feeling alone, broke and having a fat body. Though most of us already know that we should avoid creating all this negative thoughts because it generates negative energy, we still can’t avoid thinking about it. What is worst is we keep thinking about it over and over again until it becomes reality.

Moreover, people forget that the reality of life depends on how one is creating it. So if a person focuses constantly in producing positive thoughts and energy, that particular person will surely accomplish all his/her goals and succeed in everything that he/she does.

There are several things that one should consider when applying the law of attraction. Firstly, reflect if you are stressed out. This would only mean that you are getting towards a wrong direction because life is not meant for people to struggle and feel pain but is meant to make everyone happy and live in abundance.

Secondly, think of how you can be of service to the world. Most of those who are highly successful do not even try to make a lot of money, what they do is to follow their passion. Therefore, to efficiently use the law of attraction it is essential for you to know yourself first.

Thirdly, keep in mind that being a mediocre hinders success however, if one is doing better over the others, people will oppose and start to pull one down. To avoid this, a person must apply a better strategy; like if something good happened to someone try to be happy about their success.

Finally, be able to grant real forgiveness. Stop living in the past and start to forgive those people from your past who have hurt you and thank them as well for giving you such experience. Likewise, your inability to forgive is also considered as a self abuse because you keep on reviving the experience again and again.

In conclusion, the law of attraction is the most influential law in the universe. But by merely being aware of its existence and studying it is not enough to make it work, what should a person do in order to become a successful attractor is to constantly practice the LOA everyday. Once a person is able to get hold on the LOA, it will be within that person forever. Always remember that each one of us is compose of energy and that like attracts like. Thus, every form of matter and energy will be attracted to its vibrations whether it is wanted or unwanted.

About the Author

A. Thomas Perhacs is the author of several best-selling books and law of attraction courses. He has also collaborated with many courses for Scientific Premium Company-USA. For more great law of attraction coach information, visit

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