Two popular coaches

Many people want to become successful but feel that they cannot do it on their own. They need help achieving their success. Many turn to books and seminars but how do you choose?

Brian Tracy

Brian was born Charlottetown, P.E.I., Canada in 1944. His parents moved to Toronto where his father was a professor of sculpture at the University of Toronto. In 1952, his parents moved with their three boys to Pomona, California where Brian grew up to the age of 16.

Brian started his business as a real estate agent in Vancouver, B.C. Canada. When his company was purchased in 1981, Brian struck out on his own as a professional business speaker and trainer.

Brian has studied, researched, written and spoken for 30 years in the fields of business, personal success, economics, history, philosophy and psychology. He is the author of 55 books that now have been translated into 42 languages.

To find any of Brian Tracy’s work you can look here:

Success Mastery Academy

Jim Rohn

Emanuel James “Jim” Rohn (September 17, 1930 – December 5, 2009) was an American entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker. His rags to riches story played a large part in his work, which influenced others in the personal development industry.

Emanuel James “Jim” Rohn was born in Yakima, Washington to Emanuel and Clara Rohn. The Rohns owned and worked a farm in Caldwell, Idaho where Jim grew up, as an only child

In the early 1960s, Rohn’s net worth fell from $2,300,000 to almost zero. According to his own account “It was then that all the houses and the fancy cars had to go.” He still had all of his skills so he rented an apartment, started over from scratch and built his fortunes all over again.

Rohn was invited by a friend to come and tell his “rags-to-riches” story to his rotary club. He accepted and titled his talk “Idaho Farm Boy makes it to Beverly Hills.” The talk went so well that soon others began asking him to speak at various luncheons and other events. In 1963, at the Beverly Hills Hotel, he gave his first public seminar. He then began presenting seminars all over the country, telling his story and teaching the personal development philosophy he felt had led to his accomplishments.

Throughout the ’70s, Rohn conducted a number of seminars for the Marketing Executives of Standard Oil (California) which now does business as Chevron Corporation. At the same time, he conducted a personal development business called “Adventures in Achievement” which featured both live seminars as well as personal development workshops. Ultimately, he presented seminars, worldwide, for more than 40 years.

Tony Robbins who worked for Rohn in the late ’70s, was mentored by Rohn during the early years of his career. Others who credit Rohn for his influence on their careers include authors Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup book series), author/lecturer Brian Tracy and T. Harv Eker.

Rohn’s work is still very valid today for those people seeking success.

You can find many of Jim Rohn’s works by going here;

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I have read their writings and listened to their seminars and they do help a person to understand what motivates us and how we can turn this into success.

God luck with becoming successful

Michael Wilkovesky

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